My Journey through Life & Photography!

This blog is to follow my journey threw my photography and just my sometimes crazy hectic life! :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

To my Clients:)

This blog originally was going to just be for my Photography Business, however i have decided it's going to be my personal blog to:) It will now be a way for my clients to also get to know me a little bit better on a personal level:) I just want to share parts of my life with you so you can get to know me as a person and not just your Photographer :) I can honestly say i have so many clients who i now consider friends and have personal relationship with them:) I am so very thankful for that!:)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My 1st session is still my favorite!!!!!!!!

  Ok so i thought i would share pictures from my 1st official photography session. Reguardless of how far i have came as a photographer since i shot these pictures back in 2010, they are still my favorites for so many reasons! This beautiful girl below is my Sil, yep i know she is stunning, even more while pregnant then normal!!!! She was pregnant here with her 1st baby, A sweet baby girl who would be named Capri Leeann! I was so excited that my sister wanted me to shoot such a special time in thier lives! I remember being so nervous on my way to take these photographs , even thoe she is my sister and we are really close, I was so worried they would not be impressed with me or the silly poses i was going to make them do! Especially my bother in in law Zach, i thought he was going freak when i made him put his manly hands in the shape of a heart and place them on his baby girl, but he didnt:) So After arriving and getting all set up all my nerves were gone , we had a great time. It was so laid back and fun and im so happy i got to be the one to take these precious pictures. You see at the time of these pictures no one knew the plan god had in store for Zach, Amy and Capri. On April 9th 2010 Capri Leeann was born still and grew her angel wings. As devestating as this was for Zach and Amy and for our family i know there was a reason i took these photos, and thank god every day i was able to do this for them:). Reguardless of how bad my lighting is or how cheesy my poses were, i know these photographs are priceless to them and will always hold a special place in thier hearts! So with out futher ado here is my first and favorite maternity session ever!!! I may have not known what i was doing back then but i must say these are the most beautiful pictures i have ever took!!!:) Oh Capri She is Beauty!!!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Niecey turns 1!!!:)

 Thought i would share some pictures from my Nieces 1st birthday party for my first post! I love this dark eyed, dark haired little beauty!!! Its amazing how fast this year has flew by, seems like just yesterday we were pulling an all nighter at the hospital waiting for this little bundle of joy to join our world:)